关于「 agriculture」的内容列表

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council: Improve the mechanism for the citizenization of agricultural transfer population, and completely cancel the restrictions on household registration in the place of employment

On February 23rd, the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Further Deepening Rural Reform and Solidly Promoting the Comprehensive Revitalization of Rural Areas" proposed to improve the mechanism for the citizenization of agricultural transfer population. Promote transfer payments, new construction land indicators, infrastructure building investment, etc. to be linked to the citizenization of agricultural transfer population. Improve the nati...

2025-02-23 09:52:53
The Ministry of Finance transferred 55.9% of China Agricultural Reinsurance to Central Huijin

On February 16th, China Agricultural Reinsurance joint stock company announced that its controlling shareholder, the Ministry of Finance, will transfer all its shares in China Agricultural Reinsurance (55.90% of the total share capital) to Central Huijin Investment Co., Ltd. for free. After the transfer is completed, the Ministry of Finance will no longer hold any equity in China Agricultural Reinsurance, and Central Huijin will hold about 55.90% of China Agricultural Reinsurance and become the ...

2025-02-16 08:38:10
USDA: February U.S. 2024/2025 soybean production is expected to be 4.366 billion bushels, January monthly report is expected to be 4.366 billion bushels; February U.S. 2024/2025 soybean ending inventory is expected to be 380 million bushels, market expectations are...

USDA: February U.S. 2024/2025 soybean production is expected to be 4.366 billion bushels, January monthly report is expected to be 4.366 billion bushels; February U.S. 2024/2025 soybean ending inventory is expected to be 380 million bushels, market expectations are 374 million bushels, January monthly report is expected to be 380 million bushels; February U.S. 2024/2025 soybean yield is expected to be 50.7 bushels/acre, January monthly report is expected to be 50.7 bushels/acre.

2025-02-11 17:04:41
USDA: Argentina 2024/2025 corn production forecast from the previous 51 million tons to 50 million tons, the market is expected to 49.50 million tons; Brazil 2024/2025 corn production forecast from the previous 127 million tons to...

USDA: Argentina 2024/2025 corn production forecast from the previous 51 million tons to 50 million tons, the market expectation is 49.50 million tons; Brazil 2024/2025 corn production forecast from the previous 127 million tons to 126 million tons, the market expectation is 126.74 million tons.

2025-02-11 17:06:43
AgRural, an agricultural consultancy, said that as of last Thursday, Brazil's 2024/25 annual soybean harvest rate was 1.7%; the first crop of corn in the central and southern regions was 4.1% and the second crop of corn was 0.3%.

AgRural, an agricultural consultancy, said that as of last Thursday, Brazil's 2024/25 annual soybean harvest rate was 1.7%; the first crop of corn in the central and southern regions was 4.1% and the second crop of corn was 0.3%.

2025-01-20 12:04:55
USDA: January U.S. 2024/2025 soybean production is expected to be 4.366 billion bushels, the market is expected to be 4.453 billion bushels, and the December monthly report is expected to be 4.461 billion bushels; January U.S. 2024/2025 soybean ending inventory forecast...

USDA: January U.S. 2024/2025 soybean production is expected to be 4.366 billion bushels, market expectations are 4.453 billion bushels, December monthly report is expected to be 4.461 billion bushels; January U.S. 2024/2025 soybean ending inventory is expected to be 380 million bushels, market expectations are 457 million bushels, December monthly report is expected to be 470 million bushels; January U.S. 2024/2025 soybean yield is expected to be 50.7 bushels/acre, market expectations are 51.6 b...

2025-01-10 17:02:16
The United States Department of Agriculture: Argentina's 2024/2025 soybean production is expected to remain unchanged at 52 million tons, and the market is expected to be 51.91 million tons; Brazil's 2024/2025 soybean production is expected to remain unchanged at 169 million tons, and the market is expected to be 1.70 tons.

USDA: Argentina 2024/2025 soybean production is expected to remain unchanged at 52 million tons, the market is expected to 51.91 million tons; Brazil 2024/2025 soybean production is expected to remain unchanged at 169 million tons, the market is expected to 170.28 million tons.

2025-01-10 17:03:32
USDA: Argentina 2024/2025 corn production is expected to remain unchanged at the previous 51 million tons, the market is expected to 50.54 million tons; Brazil 2024/2025 corn production is expected to remain unchanged at the previous 127.05 million tons, the market...

USDA: Argentina 2024/2025 corn production is expected to remain unchanged at the previous 51 million tons, the market is expected to 50.54 million tons; Brazil 2024/2025 corn production is expected to remain unchanged at the previous 127.05 million tons, the market is expected to 127 million tons.

2025-01-10 17:05:02
December employment data: December non-agricultural employment increased by 256,000, significantly higher than expected, the highest since March 2024. October and November data were revised down by 8,000....

1. December employment data: Non-farm payrolls added 256,000 in December, sharply higher than expected and the highest since March 2024. October and November data combined were revised down 8,000. The unemployment rate unexpectedly fell to 4.1%. Average hourly earnings rose 0.3% from November. 2. Full year 2024 data: Full year 2024 payrolls increased 2.20 million, the smallest full year gain since 2020, marking a slowdown in job growth from the strong rebound following the COVID-19 pandemic. 3. ...

2025-01-10 15:01:50
USDA: U.S. soybean production in 2024/2025 is expected to be 4.461 billion bushels in December, and 4.461 billion bushels in November. U.S. soybean ending stocks in 2024/2025 are expected to be 470 million bushels in December, and the market is expected to be 4...

USDA: U.S. soybean production for 2024/2025 is expected to be 4.461 billion bushels in December and 4.461 billion bushels in November. U.S. soybean ending stocks for 2024/2025 are expected to be 470 million bushels in December, market expectations are 469 million bushels, and 470 million bushels in November. U.S. soybean production for 2024/2025 is expected to be 51.7 bushels/acre in December and 51.7 bushels/acre in November.

2024-12-10 17:01:58
The United States Department of Agriculture raised Argentina's 2024/2025 soybean production forecast from the previous 51 million tons to 52 million tons, and the market is expected to 51.35 million tons; maintain Brazil's 2024/2025 soybean production forecast at 169 million tons unchanged, the market...

USDA: Argentina 2024/2025 soybean production forecast from the previous 51 million tons to 52 million tons, the market is expected to 51.35 million tons; Brazil 2024/2025 soybean production forecast unchanged at 169 million tons, the market is expected to 169.30 million tons.

2024-12-10 17:02:52
USDA December Supply and Demand Report: U.S. Soybeans

Golden Ten Futures December 11th news, ① December 2024/2025 U.S. soybean planting area is expected to be 87.10 million acres, November is expected to be 87.10 million acres, flat month-on-month; ② December U.S. 2024/2025 soybean harvest area is expected to be 86.30 million acres, November is expected to be 86.30 million acres, flat month-on-month; ③ December U.S. 2024/2025 soybean yield is expected to be 51.7 bushels/acre, November is expected to be 51.7 bushels/acre, flat month-on-month; ...

2024-12-10 17:04:12
USDA: November U.S. 2024/2025 soybean production is expected to be 4.461 billion bushels, the market is expected to be 4.557 billion bushels, and October is expected to be 4.582 billion bushels. November U.S. 2024/2025 soybean ending stock forecast...

USDA: November U.S. 2024/2025 soybean production is expected to be 4.461 billion bushels, market expectations are 4.557 billion bushels, and October expectations are 4.582 billion bushels. November U.S. 2024/2025 soybean ending stocks are expected to be 470 million bushels, market expectations are 532 million bushels, and October expectations are 550 million bushels. November U.S. 2024/2025 soybean production is expected to be 51.7 bushels/acre, market expectations are 52.8 bushels/acre, and Oct...

2024-11-08 17:01:28
USDA: Maintain Argentina's 2024/2025 soybean production forecast unchanged at 51 million tons; maintain Brazil's 2024/2025 soybean production forecast unchanged at 169 million tons. Maintain Argentina's 2024/2025 corn production forecast at 5...

USDA: Maintain Argentina's 2024/2025 soybean production forecast unchanged at 51 million tons; maintain Brazil's 2024/2025 soybean production forecast unchanged at 169 million tons. Maintain Argentina's 2024/2025 corn production forecast unchanged at 51 million tons; maintain Brazil's 2024/2025 corn production forecast unchanged at 127 million tons.

2024-11-08 17:02:32

7x24 快讯

18:34 2025-03-26
Coinbase 将在以太坊网络 (ERC-20 代币) 上增加对 AltLayer (ALT)、Pendle (PENDLE) 和 Layer3 (L3) 的支持。如果满足流动性条件,交易将于 2025 年 3 月 27 日上午 9 点(太平洋时间)或之后开始。一旦这些资产的供应充足,ALT-USD、PENDLE-USD 和 L3-USD 交易对将分阶段启动。
18:12 2025-03-26
Coinbase将上线Freysa (FAI)
Coinbase 将在 Base 网络上增加对 Freysa (FAI) 的支持。如果满足流动性条件,交易将于 2025 年 3 月 27 日上午 9 点(太平洋时间)或之后开始。一旦该资产的供应充足,FAI-USD 交易对将分阶段启动。
18:09 2025-03-26
18:00 2025-03-26
Binance 创始人 CZ 在其 X 账户的个人简介中新增付费咨询链接,可直接与其进行私人对话。CZ 称付费咨询获得的收入将捐献至慈善机构。 目前向 CZ 发送的首条信息将收取 0.08 BNB 费用,如果 CZ 在 5 天内未回复,用户将自动获得 50% 退款。最大消息长度为 2,000 个字符且不允许添加附件或图片。
17:42 2025-03-26
17:42 2025-03-26
美股持续走低 纳指跌幅达2%
17:21 2025-03-26
据链上数据,币安首批投票上币活动项目中, BANANAS31 市值暂报 6610 万美元; WHY 市值暂报 3300 万美元; SIREN 市值暂报 4910 万美元; Broccoli(CZ's Dog)市值暂报 5240 万美元; Mubarak 市值暂报 1.37 亿美元; KOMA 市值暂报 3620 万美元; TUT 市值暂报 1720 万美元; BID 市值暂报 3770 万美元; Broccoli 市值暂报 1500 万美元。
17:21 2025-03-26
16:47 2025-03-26
据官方页面信息,币安首批投票上币项目中,BANANAS31(19.4%)、WHY(18.8%)最终排名前二。 此前消息,币安宣布启动首次投票上币活动,用户可对已完成官方尽职调查的代币进行投票,最终排名前两位的代币将获币安上线资格。
16:44 2025-03-26
链上侦探 ZachXBT 于 X 平台发文批评 Hyperliquid 称:“令人气愤的是,Hyperliquid 官方可以随意划线操控价格,但当朝鲜黑客们使用 Radiant 盗窃资金在上面持有一定规模的空单仓位时,他们却无动于衷。”
16:44 2025-03-26
16:26 2025-03-26
据官方公告,币安原定于 2025 年 3 月 26 日 16:15(UTC)上线的 MAVIAUSDT 永续合约,交易开始时间将推迟至 2025 年 3 月 26 日 17:00(UTC)。